Movie Review — Soul : Purpose, passion and Life in the most refreshing way possible

The Recovering Reviewer
2 min readDec 25, 2020
Image Credits : Disney Pixar

This is my third movie and hence the third review for the day, a carefully regimented recovery program that implores me to write about every movie that I watch and share on the “InterWeb”

Now the movie — because that is what we are here about is refreshingly a very honest and upbeat take on some of the most heavy questions that are out there — What is the purpose of life? Why do we exist? Are we fulfilling our purpose?

This movies takes all these heavy hitting questions and tosses them aside with the carefully written and tastefully animate story of “Joe” — a person who truly believes that music is the purpose of his life and “22” — a hypothetical construct of a being if we may call it/him/her that that is lost and scared like most of us going through life. The story takes on a journey through “The Great beyond” and “The Great Before” places where souls go after their journey on Earth is complete and the place where they start out. In not trying to explain more than this about the after in this case before life — the movie side steps a lot of complicated and unnecessary questions while focusing on the clear message that it wants to provide — “Life isn’t as complicated as we make it out to be”

Through the observer view that Joe finds himself in due to some mix-ups in the astral plane — Joe and through him the viewer find some solace in what a really complicated world of emotions, problems and ambitions. What is remarkable is that while I am talking about such important psychological questions but the movie still is at its objective level — “A cartoon movie” that this addicted writer found amply comforting.

In case you are thinking of watching this movie over the holidays or just when you need something to pick you up. This recovering addict can give this movie a solid recommendation as an “Upbeat Can watch”



The Recovering Reviewer

Self diagnosed TV/Movie addict. Trying to recover by forcing myself to write about the stuff I watch!